LIFE SOMEHOW BRINGS IT UP and, in order to impress, you tell so many lies and half-truths about yourself, that, at some point, you realize that you’re not open to anybody. This means that you spend your whole life inside your mind, and, even if you have friends and family, you go through major dramas inside of you, all alone. First of all, we should clarify that the best way to move forward and get over all the cosmic challenges is to share them with your most loved persons. But you can’t just tell someone “Open-up” as if he was waiting for your whistle, and then he is transformed into the “master of sociability.” The goal is to lighten their extra weight.
If you can’t find friends/family to open-up to, then a good start to understanding yourself is to start writing down your experiences and thoughts as you grow up, and then re-read them when older in order to witness if you’ve learnt your lessons or not.
It’s not that by “burying” them they won’t reappear in front of your face. Sooner or later, you realize that, at some point, you must confront them, or they'll keep on “eating you alive.” To be brief, they’re your issues and only you can solve them. By reading your logic and the facts you described, it’s very possible to find the famous “reason why,” or, at the very least, you will have already let off a lot of steam. Be certain that the future you will return to read them, in case you’re repeating the same mistakes, and that, practically, it adds much more usefulness to your experiences.
Some also unravel their talent as a writer according to biographies, but many more amateur writers have it as a vehicle to communicate without fearing their own thoughts, in order to get to know themselves. It was suggested by the TV series “VAMPIRE DIARIES”, but was forgotten after the first episodes and lost the chance to say something useful to its millions of teenager viewers. Diaries are also a good idea, but the above refers to writing down all that troubles you, or stresses you, or makes you shine, or weighs you down at night, which, for your own reasons, you don’t want to share with anyone. Seeing them written down, you understand that they’re not as terrible and scary as when they were enlarged inside your mind. The magic of self-treatment through the famous externalization of our issues. [Much more in the Novel]
Also, you’ll then, probably, realize that your issues aren’t yours alone and many are experiencing the exact same issues, and the best way to gain experience on solving them is by being open, and listen to other people’s solutions in the same problem.
To conclude, young “Filippo,” if something tyrannizes you, put it down on paper and it’s much more possible to make sense of issues that until then you had regarded as never-to-be-solved. The more honest you are with yourself and the more open, the better the results. The first step is to recognize the problem, then you write it down and, by reading it and sharing it, you do the best you can, and finally chill out, because you can’t do more than the best you can. :)
THANK THE TEENAGERS, because no matter how the irresponsible adults of each generation f#$% it up, there always going to be rebellious teenagers, ready to put things in the right order. Being a teenager, thankfully, is characterized by revolutionary actions, and renegotiating from the beginning all the “adult” philosophies. This teen Q&A is for these teenagers and teenage souls. Or to offer proof that even the adults want something much better than the world we witness. There are points of view and information I’d love to have known as a teenager, or at least have their perspective, and that is why I share them with all teenagers and teen-spirits. We need many more teenage souls and that’s the only reason for the answers I’d give to my teen self, or to current teenagers who see the world a little bit differently than the over 40’s do.
We should know that all generations agree on the will to “change the world”, as this is the most common wish to any newborn baby: “Be the one who’s going to change the world.” And we mean it!
You can e-mail me at your own major questions and I’ll try to reply as informatively as possible, according to what my eyes have witnessed. I’m not going to insist on my views, I’m also writing in order to learn more. I believe it’s most beneficial if different generations work together, because we can all learn a billion things from our fruitful cooperation. Something isn’t going right in our world, and we all know it, even if we keep our eyes shut. Is it our first step to change the world, to talk openly amongst ourselves?
how to solve teenage suicides & BULLYING?
[13 reasons why]
"13 Reasons Why" is a very realistic, honest and compelling TV show with smart, lovable and realistic characters, strong friendships, amazing acting and a "teenage feeling," dedicated to "teenagers suicides;" after their teen angst, which originated from bullying. This time it's the lovely, beautiful and very intelligent girl, Hannah, aged 17, who unfortunately commits suicide, because she doesn't know that no matter how traumatizing the bullying is at school, it only lasts these very few years, and then, you have a whole life without any bullying. Because, after school we have this thing called "Law" -putting bullies to prison, since they're not minors anymore.
The best solution to stop bullying is to "call them out" as soon as possible, to people with authority, and insist on ending the problem until it's solved. Then, not only will you have a very strong ally, but, it's also their lawful obligation to put an end to it. Hannah, recorded 13 tapes, addressed to 13 people who according to her were "The 13 Reasons Why" she commited suicide at the age of 17. Each tape is one episode. My favourite character is Alex.
[On top is "Clay", to the right is "Hannah", and below is "Alex"]
The statistics about teenage suicide are jaw-breaking. In the U.S. only, 3,041 teenage suicide atemps (12-18 y.o.) occur, EVERY DAY! Almost all of them have a psychological disorder at the time of death, meaning that you can "see the signs", if you're a parent who pays close attention to your children. Suicidal teens are very often depressed, bored of everything, find no interest in our world, lonely, don't believe in anyone, bullied, angry at everything, and as a result most of them take drugs or drink lots of alcohol, alienating them even more.
If a good friend or a parent wants to help them out, or to minimize the suicidal risk, the most important thing is to UNDERSTAND your child. First listen to him, and then be OPEN to his new ideas. And that means that you may have to stop being the "All-knowing" stiff parent, or the cop-parent, who pressures the teenager even more. Try not to forget that we were all very bored of school's classes and homework, and having to spend half of our day with something that you don't like at all, naturally makes you angry. Teenage years though, have the potential to be the most "eye-opening" years of your life. But, if your parents don't believe in you, or if they only listen to themselves, they may darken your teenage years and may lead you to the misconception that our world "sucks big times," and there's no way out of it. Then, committing suicide doesn't sound that crazy... But, this is a misconception, due to teenagers lack of experience.
And this is the key point I want to underline to depressed teenagers. Don't judge by what you experienced during only 15 years, and pretty much in the exact same "boxed environment," with the exact same police-rules. After high-school graduation sets off a completely new level, and when you used to hate everything around you, now you can be surrounded by people just like you, sharing similar interests. And trust me, there always are. An example for the above is a very talented artist, born in a small farmers village, where none can appreciate his talent and they make a joke out of his artistic efforts, making him depressed to the bone. Then he moves to the city, shows his artwork to the right eyes, and... BOOM! He's now an Artist, and as happy as can be, since his love, his hobby, can also be his means of survival. From depressed and suicidal, to being a happy & successful man. And dear parents, please don't be easily dissappointed by your children, believe in them, UNDERSTAND THEM, and help them to spread their wings, even if their dreams are far away from yours.
Series Backstory: Surprisingly, two studies in the U.S. claim that: "There was a nearly 30% increase in suicides among kids 12 to 18 years old in the month following the release of the show." And that's really a lot and can't be easily ignored. That's why the Production of "13 Reasons Why" built a suicide prevention website with all kind of resources, worldwide: The only reason I can think of, is that maybe teens with similar to Hannah's issues "realized" through the show, that their issues may even lead to suicide, as Hannah did in the show. Even if Hannah had loving parents who loved her, and many friends who cared about her, even if they temporarly belittled her, plus she was very pretty -and that's VERY rare. Obviously, they're teens out there with much much worst problems, and the truth is that almost all of them moved on after high school. And that's the truth that troubled teens should listen to. Teens with much more traumatic lives got over it, to show you that you can do it to no matter the sh** you're now facing. There's ALWAYS a solution, even if "I've never been a 14 years old girl" as said in "The Virgin Suicides", an amazing & mesmerizing true-story film by Sofia Coppola, with a similar subject. If you're reading this and you can't find your solution no matter what, feel free to email me at contact(at) and we can try to find it together. Life has the potential to be too f** amazing to kill yourself.
Furthermore, the Suicide Prevention Resource Center offers very valuable resources to help parents to talk about the "13 Reasons Why" TV series and suicide risk and prevention to their teenage children.
Creator & Writer: Brian Yorkey (based on the book by Jay Asher)
Stars: Dylan Minnette, Katherine Langford, Christian Navarro | See full cast & crew
"13 reasons why" official website
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